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Nand Chaturvedi.

Your hands aren’t tired yet

The pleasure of asserting this

Is the poem’s core

A few more days

To bear

For these hands won’t beg.


Be free

It is no wilderness

Don’t let it be one.

The river won’t stop here

Nor none else.

The flow of

This wondrous

Journey’s joy

Is the poem’s core.


Someone has to quit

Quit this pleasure.

Even in this mist, the leaflet

Possess a droplet

The sun doesn’t enjoy such fortune.

The splintered heart

Looks back

Where nothing is;

Except silence

And fear


Fear not

Here there is grass and a small bird

What fear for the common man?

’n for destiny’s victims?

This century belongs to the savages

Yet it’s ours too

It is a war

Face it



Sins are not sudden

You let it happen

Mere desires can’t bring the change


The power games

And inherent sufferings

Aren’t for us

Forever confront

What has to change

Shall change


These vegetations won’t alter

Nor this creation be sterile ever

Let’s for once grab

For the wind, the cloud

And the fate are

All in our favour.

Translated by Ashutosh Mohan from the original Hindi poems of the renowned poet Nand Chaturvedi.

Ashutosh Mohan

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